Will it pick up pine needles, acorns, nuts, seed pods, etc?


Last Update 3 jaar geleden

Pine needles are an unqualified “yes”. That includes long-needle pine straw, common in the Southeast. For acorns, nuts and seed pods, you can expect to get up nearly all of them if they are on bare earth and you set your mower deck to the lowest cutting height and use high-lift blades. The general rule of thumb we like to go by is that anything (and everything) you feel comfortable going over with the blades of your mower, the Cyclone Rake will take the rest of the way.

If debris is deeply buried in thick grass or the ground, you may need to rake or blow them into small piles, then drive over them to pick them up. As an alternative, you can use our Power Vacuum Pickup accessory to suck them out of the lawn. The Power Vacuum Pickup will get up just about anything that’s not hard-frozen to the ground.

Of course, you should remove heavy sticks, long branches, rocks, or anything else that’s not safe for your mower. A quick walk around your property before mowing should always be done if you’re not sure whether something dangerous may be hiding below. Always be aware of what might be hiding under your deep drifts or piles of leaves.

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